Friday, June 5, 2020

Hiking the Appalachian Trail in the US

Ranjeet Reddy Paladugu blue shirt

The CEO and founder of Specialty Holdings, Ranjeet Reddy Paladugu is well-versed in several areas of finance, including turning around mergers and acquisitions, global branding, and start-ups. Outside of finance, Ranjeet Reddy Paladugu enjoys hiking.

For hiking enthusiasts bored with area trails, the US has at least six that are challenging. Of those six, the Appalachian Trail presents hikers the chance to hike a trail spanning the Springer Mountain in Georgia to Mount Katahdin in Maine. The trail includes great mountain ranges including the Smoky and the Blue Ridge Mountains. In total, the trail covers 14 states and several hundred miles.

The trail is popular because it courses through several major cities. Richmond, Atlanta, Washington, DC, New York, and Boston are just a few of the major cities that hikers can visit while hiking the trail. In total, it takes anywhere between five and seven months to complete.

Hiking the Appalachian Trail is free. Moreover, if hikers want to take advantage of other parks, the trail system is linked through other natural parks and forests, designated wilderness areas, public lands, and state parks.